Wurrmulalkki: Returned Histories (page 2)

Nyinkka Nyunyu Information Series No.5

miri (shields)

The shields displayed here are all miri, broad shields used in fighting to protect against boomerangs and spears. They are carved from single pieces of softwood such as beantree. Miri are held by handles carved into the wood. Sometimes they are grooved and they may be painted. Shields used to be traded widely across Central Australia - north to the Roper River and south to Birdsville and Oonadatta. They are still valuable trade goods.

murrkka, wijjal, ngarrkani (hair, fur, string)

In the old days human hair and animal fur was spun into two-ply string (ngarrkani) on wooden spindles made from two crossed sticks. String has many uses, from tying blades onto handles to making belts, slings, aprons, headbands and decorations worn when dancing. Feathers, red ochre and kangaroo teeth could be added to these ornaments. Today we make necklaces by threading seeds pierced with hot wires onto lengths of string. Hairstring is still a valuable trade item.